Sullenberger Aviation Museum Reaches $31M Capital Campaign Goal

April 21, 2023

The Sullenberger Aviation Museum announced the completion of its "Lift Off Campaign" – the museum's largest fundraising effort to date – garnering commitments of more than $31 million for construction of its new facility adjacent to Runway 18 Left at Charlotte Douglas International Airport. Ongoing fundraising efforts will continue for preopening operating costs.

Marc Oken, Chairman of the Board and its Capital Campaign Committee, remarked that the diversity of support for the campaign – from the State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg County and City of Charlotte to numerous foundations, individuals and corporations – underscores the community's broad interest in reopening the facility, which is named in honor of "Miracle on the Hudson" pilot C.B. "Sully" Sullenberger.

Anticipated to reopen during the first half of 2024, the Sullenberger Aviation Museum's extensive aircraft collection will enable authentic storytelling of the Carolinas' aviation past, present and future and serve as a portal of opportunity for immersive and inclusive learning experiences, STEM education and workforce development. Museum President Stephen Saucier noted that the facility will also improve economic vitality in Charlotte's West End, with 125,000 visitors expected annually.