Fairbanks Aviation Day Draws Crowds and Awards Scholarship

May 22, 2019
Fairbanks Aviation Day is an Airport open house, an opportunity for the public and community of Fairbanks to come out and interact with aviation professionals and aviation businesses

AIRBANKS, Alaska - The weekend sunshine brought out those young and old together to the annual Fairbanks Aviation Day on Saturday.

Members of the community were able to experience first-hand an inside look into large and small aircraft, a tour of the airport and even take a 20 minute flight in a plane.

Kevin Alexander is an Associate Professor with the UAF’s community and technical college aviation maintenance program. Alexander also serves on the Airport’s Operator’s Council which is the organizing committee for Fairbanks Aviation Day.

“Fairbanks Aviation Day is an Airport open house, an opportunity for the public and community of Fairbanks to come out and interact with aviation professionals and aviation businesses and even private aircraft owners and get an idea of scope of aviation in and around Alaska,” said Alexander.

Alexander said these days it’s rare that people can get up close and personal with large aircraft with the modern security measures from commercial jets to military aircraft.

“And so having the Fed Ex 727 at UAF community and technical college provides an opportunity for folks to get up close and personal and see inside the cockpit of a large jet and at the very least get more comfortable with large aircraft when they do go flying and maybe there is a career in their future.”
