You Can Train for One of Ohio’s Most In-demand Careers in Middletown

June 25, 2018
The city is hoping this program develops a new workforce stream for anticipated future job development at the Middletown Regional Airport. The funds will be spent from the existing Economic Development budget.

The city of Middletown and Cincinnati State are now partners in an avionics technician program that will be housed in the city.

Middletown City Council on Tuesday approved an emergency ordinance for an agreement between the city and Cincinnati State to develop and operate the avionics technician program.

MORE: Cincinnati State to launch avionics technician program in Middletown

City officials previously discussed with City Council funding of the Cincinnati State Avionics program at the Middletown Campus. Negotiations have been completed and this Agreement allows the program to be offered for the fall 2018 semester. Middletown will make a onetime contribution of $66,000 to purchase software and hardware necessary to offer the Avionics program in Middletown. MADE will contribute an additional $6,000 towards the program.

The city is hoping this program develops a new workforce stream for anticipated future job development at the Middletown Regional Airport. The funds will be spent from the existing Economic Development budget.

Council was asked to pass the emergency ordinance so preparations can begin immediately as the fall semester will be starting in the next few months, and allow the purchase and set up of the new program in time for fall class start dates.