According to the 2016 Boeing Pilot and Technician Outlook, the global demand for civil aviation pilots will be 617,000 from 2016 to 2035 among which there will be 248,000 in the Asia-Pacific region. The demand of China market is the largest and it will be 100,000 pilots and 106,000 technicians.
However, the shortage of aviation professional talent has always been the bottleneck which restrict the development of the aviation industry in China. It's a good opportunity for China aviation training market with the rapid development of China's civil aviation and general aviation.
The policy of much starker choices - and graver consequences - also provides a good environment for China aviation training market. It's necessary to cooperate with international partners to satisfy the increasing demand of pilots and technicians.
Against this backdrop, China Aviation Training Forum 2017 which is hosted by Shanghai Society of Aeronautics will held on September 6th - 7th, 2017 in Shanghai, China. CATF2017 will focus on trend of aviation training market and flight safety through the session such as keynote speaking, panel discussion, exhibition, 1 to 1 meetings, etc.