May 06--TSA agents say a blade found inside an airline passenger's cane last week at the Fairbanks International Airport is part of a national trend.
A few "cane swords," bayonet-like weapons, appear every month to TSA screeners, said agency spokeswoman Lorie Dankers.
"The majority of people who possess them had no idea there was a sword in their cane," the TSA said in a blog post on the subject. "Tip -- if you have a second-hand cane try pulling it apart. You might be surprised." In Fairbanks, the man attempted to board a flight to Anchorage around 7 a.m. on May 1, but was temporarily halted at security when screeners detected a rusty dagger inside of his hollow red cane, Dankers said.
The man had three choices, she said, check the item, give it to someone not ticketed for a flight or voluntarily abandon it. The man chose to leave it behind and get on the airplane, Dankers said.
She said she didn't know if he was aware that his cane housed a five-inch blade.
Reach Tegan Hanlon at [email protected] or 257-4589.
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