Payerne, Switzerland · Sept. 26, 2019 – The Boschung Group in Payerne, Switzerland, a world leader in surface condition management, today announces the delivery of 22 high performance airport deicers to the new Beijing Daxing International Airport (BDIA). BDIA, Beijing’s new airport, will reinforce China’s capital air traffic supporting the existing Beijing Capital International Airport (BCIA), a long-standing customer of Boschung. As both airports are managed by the same operating group, the positive experience with the existing Boschung maintenance fleet at the BCIA led to the decision to choose in favor of Boschung and its state-of-the art deicing technology for BDIA though the Boschung bid was the highest in price.
With the opening of the new “Beijing Daxing International Airport” (BDIA) the Chinese government will give support to the already existing “Beijing Capital International Airport” (BCIA) and effectively manage one of the busiest air traffic region in the world. By Sept. 25, 2019, celebrating the 70th anniversary date of the People's Republic of China, passengers from and to Beijing will have a second choice. The new airport is intended to be a new aviation hub in China with an estimated passenger capacity of 45 million by 2021 and 72 million by 2025. With 700,000 square meters, BDIA’s main terminal will be the largest single airport concourse in the world with four runways the day of the opening and three additional runways launching later on.
The Beijing region’s continental climate is characterized by cold and dry winters with hot summers. Normally, there is little snow in Beijing, but frequent appearing weather incidents during wintertime can suddenly lead to dangerous ice or snow situations. Boschung has been collaborating closely with BCIA on all key elements of the surface condition management of the airport such as Ice Early Warning System, snow removal, deicing along with fleets and data management for years now, which strongly helps ensure the overall safety, cost-effectiveness in a most sustainable way. Today there is a powerful Boschung fleet of 14 Jetbrooms, 11 airport deicers and two IMS spreaders operating at BCIA.
As both Beijing airports, BCIA and BDIA, are managed by the same operating group, Capital Airports Holding Company (CAH), a fully owned entity of the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), Boschung was able to bid a technology already proven on the Beijing airport
ground. Though the mild snow conditions in Beijing gave the opportunity to low-cost and inferior quality suppliers to enter the bidding with low prices, the responsible CAH officials decided in favor of the high quality solution, the Boschung solution, at a higher price avoiding any compromise in safety and efficiency. Today, six out of eleven deicers operating at BCIA are already using the leading Boschung M2 deicing technology which is the technology integrated in most of the 22 new deicers purchased for the BDIA. The M2 deicing technology spreads solid and liquid thawing agents with very precise lateral distributions. A technology that today has never been reached by any other competitive systems. Another important key factor is the 24/7 support service offered by Boschung’s subsidiary in Beijing which guarantees the fleet managers adapted support at all times.
The 22 new Boschung airport deicers are composed of two SDA S5, 14 SDA M2 and six SDA M2D5, all mounted on Mercedes Benz trucks. The SDA S5 series (liquid deicer) can be equipped with cascaded PE liquid tanks for the de-icing of particularly large areas. For the spraying of liquid thawing agents the SDA S5 series uses a sophisticated spraying block system that guarantees a much better accuracy with homogenous spraying patterns regardless of the working speed. But the SDA S5 is also less prone to technical failures as each spraying block is equipped with tiny spray nozzles working independently. The SDA M2 is the traditional Boschung technology for the spreading of solid or liquid thawing agents and is equipped with a tandem spinner disc specifically designed for airport application to ensure the best spreading pattern of up to 24m wide. The SDA M2D5, a combination of the two previous series on one vehicle, is a multifunctional deicer with lateral distribution that was especially designed for the spreading of solid or liquid thawing agents or both mixed in customizable proportions.
This combination of several efficient Boschung spreading technologies will ensure safety and efficiency of all runways and taxiways at BDIA in a sustainable way. All these innovative, user-oriented, solutions and service assets make Boschung a long term and reliable partner for the maintenance and safety of airport traffic surfaces on Chinese airports.