WI: Protected Snowy Owl Legally Shot at Wittman Regional Airport

Dec. 1, 2017

OSHKOSH - A snowy owl sitting near a runway was fatally shot at Wittman Regional Airport Tuesday, a legally-permitted move that has left some perplexed.

Pilot Doug Cooper said he and his co-pilot were taxiing into the airport Tuesday when they saw a snowy owl land on a taxiway sign. Thinking it was cool, they mentioned it to the control tower.

But after they stopped in the hangar and were putting the plane away they heard gunshots, he said. The other pilot said he saw a man shoot the owl, Cooper told USA TODAY NETWORK-Wisconsin Wednesday.

Read more: http://www.postcrescent.com/story/news/2017/11/30/protected-snowy-owl-legally-shot-wittman-regional-airport/905901001