Flight Information Displays (FIDS) Module

Nov. 14, 2022
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Mvix's FIDS Module includes pre-built visualizations displaying real-time flight data including arrivals and departures, travel slots, baggage information, gate locations, and weather (arrival or departure). Mvix has leveraged the world's largest provider of aviation data to provide this real-time flight information for its clients. This data covers over 970 airlines, 17,000 airports, and 400,000 aircraft, as well as millions of events, weather, traffic, and fares for 300,000 routes worldwide.

The end-to-end suite of airport display solutions includes:

  • Airline Gate/Counter Displays: Gate and counter screens include real-time information about arrivals and departures so that guests can confirm the correct gate location reducing missed flights. 
  • Baggage Area Displays: Displays can provide incoming baggage information and wayfinding for passengers. 
  • Terminal Displays: Flight information including the flight's name, number, origin, destination, gate number, landing times, and more can be displayed. 
  • Executive and Transit Lounge Displays: Displays inside enterprise suites and hotels can provide real-time flight information shown at gates and terminals streamlining communication. 

Mvix's new airport displays are now available to new and pre-existing clients on its cloud-based software, Mvix CMS.

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