Airport Passengers Donate Over $5,000 To Local Non-Profits

June 17, 2019
Nearly a year ago, the Boise Airport placed three donation kiosks in the security checkpoint to raise funds for local non-profit organizations. The travelling public have embraced the kiosks, donating over $5,000 throughout the past twelve months.
“Kindness is a very real part of our cultural fabric here in Boise,” said Mayor David Bieter. “The money donated at the collection stations are one of the many ways our community shows kindness and support for one another.”
Each kiosk gave passengers the option to donate spare change to one of three organizations; Neighbors in Need, Friends of Zoo Boise and Friends of the Boise Public Library. The total donations for each organization are as follows:
OrganizationTotal Funds Donated
Neighbors in Need$2,268.90
Friends of Zoo Boise1,145.96
Friends of the Boise Public Library1,1457.72
“The Friends are deeply appreciative of this public support,” said Jim James, president of the board for Friends of the Boise Public Library. “Thanks to each person who dropped in change and more, and thank you to the City of Boise and the airport for providing this opportunity. Community support is a big motivator as we continue fundraising for our growing library.”
“Zoo Boise would like to thank everyone who contributed money from the airport kiosks,” said Gene Peacock, Zoo Boise Director. “Those funds will help us provide top-notch animal care for our residents, help support our 2.5-acre expansion, opening July 17, and help us protect our counterparts in the wild. None of this is possible without the generous support of our community and visitors. At Zoo Boise, we’ve changed the act of visiting the zoo into a conservation action.”
The donation kiosks will remain in the security checkpoint at the Boise Airport.

Photos by Ingrid Barrentine & Joe Nicholson, Alaska Airlines