Pocatello Regional Airport Passenger Numbers Up 45%

Oct. 13, 2016

The number of passengers taking advantage of Pocatello Regional Airport is continuing to make its ascent.

In newly released figures from airport staff, from March to September 2016 41,273 passengers took off from or landed at the airport. This number is up 45 percent from the same time frame in 2015. Since January, a total of 48,924 travelers have made use of the airport, up 37 percent from 2015.

“The count definitely shows that more and more people are taking advantage of the benefits of flying into or out of Pocatello,” said David Allen, Pocatello Regional Airport Manager. “We continue to tell travelers to always check the fares before booking their flight. We know we’re not always the right option but if the round-trip fare mark-up is $200 or less, and you total up all the other costs of driving to Salt Lake City, like gas, time, and parking, you’re more than likely going to want to fly from Pocatello.”

Another statistic the report noted was the airport’s load factor, which is at 79.2 percent for the month of September, up from 61.9 percent in 2015.

“Load factor is another way of saying the average number of seats that are occupied on a flight,” Allen explained. “It’s the number that airlines consider when they are looking at service levels and the higher the load factor, the more likely it is we could be considered for expanded service. 

Even with the increased attention from travelers, the airport will continue to offer free amenities including the almost unheard of free parking. Other luxuries afforded to passengers include free Wi-Fi, book sharing center courtesy of the Friends of the Marshall Public Library, shoe-shine station by Meyers Shoe Repair, a water refill station from Culligan Water Conditioning of Pocatello, complimentary coffee and a children’s play area from Pocatello Regional Airport.