New Pet Relief Areas Unveiled at SAT

Sept. 1, 2016

San Antonio International Airport (SAT) debuts two new post security pet relief areas. Service animals are an on-going reality of travel today, be it a Police K9, TSA service dog or passenger travel companion.  SAT meets the need with a new service animal relief area in each terminal’s concourse, near the gates.

Prior to the in-terminal service dog relief areas, passengers and their dogs were limited to designated areas outside of the terminals. Upon their return, passengers and pets had to undergo the full screening process again to get back to their gates. Now service animals have amenities available as they wait for their flights.

The pet new relief area resembles a bathroom but has multiple drains on the floors, turf grass, an ornamental water hydrant, waste bags, and a sink for handlers to wash up afterward. The areas are specifically constructed to accommodate the needs of pets and their people, “We recognize the needs of our valuable service animals in the terminals and we wanted to provide a convenient location for the animals and their owners without having to exit their terminal, ensuring that everyone has a more enjoyable travel experience,” said Tom Jones, Director of the San Antonio International Airport.