London's Gatwick Suspends Flights After Air Traffic Control Glitch

July 11, 2019
London's Gatwick airport was forced to suspend all flights early Wednesday evening after a problem with the air traffic control system in its control tower, stranding hundreds of passengers.

London (dpa) - London's Gatwick airport was forced to suspend all flights early Wednesday evening after a problem with the air traffic control system in its control tower, stranding hundreds of passengers.

"Due to an air traffic control systems issue in Gatwick's control tower, flights are currently suspended," the airport tweeted. "We are working with ANS, our air traffic control provider, to rectify this issue as quickly as possible."

In a second tweet some 30 minutes later, the airport said flights remained suspended.

"We apologize and advise passengers to check flight info with your airline," it said.


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Photos by Ingrid Barrentine & Joe Nicholson, Alaska Airlines