NY: Westchester Airport Privatization Plan on Hold, Much to Business Group's Chagrin

Sept. 21, 2018

The idea of "privatizing" Westchester County Airport is effectively grounded. 

Neither Westchester County Executive George Latimer nor Ben Boykin, chairman of the Westchester County Board of Legislators, sound all that interested in reviving the idea, despite the county's $18 million budget deficit and the potential for a privatization deal to yield a lot of cash. Both told me that turning over the airport to a private operator would fundamentally reshape county government, and that they would not take such a step without careful public review. If at all.

Read more: https://www.lohud.com/story/opinion/perspective/2018/09/21/westchester-businesses-push-latimer-sours-airport-privatization/1368150002