WV: Eastern Panhandle Airport Gets $1.7M in Federal Funds

Sept. 13, 2018

MARTINSBURG, W.Va. — Eastern West Virginia Regional Airport recently was awarded more than $1.7 million in federal funds for land acquisition and an array of capital improvements at Shepherd Field south of Martinsburg.

Grant funds awarded by the Federal Aviation Administration will support the acquisition of residential property at 79 Prayer Lane as part of an ongoing effort to bolster the airport's runway-protection zone and a package of runway-area improvements, including apron and taxiway rehabilitation, design services for runway lighting, wiring and signage rehabilitation and visual-aid equipment for aircraft approaching runways.

Read more: https://www.heraldmailmedia.com/news/tri_state/west_virginia/eastern-panhandle-airport-gets-more-than-m-in-federal-funds/article_98095b6a-b6e8-11e8-ad1f-7f41feb4fb53.html