NJ: Bill Creating Tax Incentives Around Cape May, Woodbine Airports Heads to Governor

July 3, 2018

Airports in Cape May County will get an economic boost under a bill that awaits Gov. Phil Murphy's signature in Trenton. 

The bill, recently passed by the full state Legislature, will provide a tax credit of $5,000 a year for every job created or retained for eligible businesses around the Cape May County Airport and a $4,000 credit for businesses around the Woodbine Airport.

The legislation is similar to a bill that Atlantic County has been pursuing for a year and a half, but there are some key differences. 

Read more: https://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/news/bill-creating-tax-incentives-around-cape-may-woodbine-airports-heads/article_bee8360c-ecef-52be-adcd-f4af3600a3da.html