TX: Taxi Rationing Could be Pulling Up at Austin’s Congested Airport

July 2, 2018

The line forms early in the lot off Rental Car Road, usually not long after first light.

The 100 to 200 taxis — yellow, blue, white, but mostly lime green these days — are ready for another long day of waiting at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport. Many of the cabbies will spend most of 12 hours here, an investment of time that might yield only three or four trips into Central Austin. After inching to the front of the line, the cabs are released to make the short trip to the terminal departure level, where each faces a shorter, final wait for a fare.

Read more: https://www.statesman.com/news/local/taxi-rationing-could-pulling-austin-congested-airport/GmfaohJAHk4euVglxDTueM