TX: New Braunfels Regional Airport Master Plan Will Shape Next 20 Years

June 15, 2018

With one of two public meetings complete, the New Braunfels Regional Airport is seeking citizen input as it develops a master plan that will guide operations for the next 20 years.

Robert Lee, who assumed the airport’s director role in August, said it has been a decade since the master plan was updated.

“Ten years ago, we were just a general aviation airport with a few jets going out and single-engine planes,” Lee said. “The role of the airport is changing. We need to make sure the infrastructure is in place to accommodate that type of growth.”

Read more: https://communityimpact.com/austin/new-braunfels/city-county/2018/06/14/new-braunfels-regional-airport-master-plan-will-shape-next-20-years