WI: Marty Piette Named to Run Green Bay Austin Straubel Airport

June 5, 2018

ASHWAUBENON - After a nationwide search, the Brown County executive decided the best candidate to be the county's airport director is already here.

County Executive Troy Streckenbach will ask the County Board later this month to confirm Marty Piette, 45, to run Green Bay Austin Straubel International Airport.

Piette, a 1995 University of North Dakota graduate who lives in Suamico, has been the airport's assistant director since November 2015.

Read more: https://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/story/news/2018/06/04/brown-county-exec-troy-streckenbach-names-suamico-resident-lead-green-bay-austin-straubel-airport/669573002