IIA Set to Emerge as One of Asia’s Major Aviation Hubs

May 1, 2018
The Islamabad International Airport (IIA) is capable of serving 9 million passengers and 50,000 metric tons of cargo every year in its first phase, while the modular designs enables the expansion to serve up to 25 million passengers every year by 2025.

The new Islamabad International Airport (IIA), the first Greenfield Airport of Pakistan is set to emerge as one of Asia’s major aviation hubs and a destination in itself after its operationalization commences on Thursday.

Prime Minister, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi will inaugurate the airport on Tuesday before it becomes fully operational. Equipped with cutting edge technologies and state-of-the-art facilities for passengers to meet the 21st century challenges, the IIA is also the largest airport of Pakistan. It is capable to serve nine million passengers and 50,000 metric tons cargo every year in its first phase, while the modular designs enables the expansion to serve up to 25 million passengers every year by 2025.

Read more: https://pakobserver.net/iia-set-to-emerge-as-one-of-asias-major-aviation-hubs/

Photos by Ingrid Barrentine & Joe Nicholson, Alaska Airlines