DC to Congress: Leave National Airport Alone

April 13, 2018

It’s FAA reauthorization season again. Officially, this is about passing legislation to keep the Federal Aviation Administration operating, but seasoned veterans know it’s also an opportunity for members to push their “special” aviation-related priorities.

A favorite of out-of-town lawmakers is finding new ways to get around the slot and perimeter rules that have long governed the number of flights and how far those flights can travel to and from National Airport. Yes, we know there are two other airports in the Washington region, Dulles International and Baltimore-Washington International Marshall, but neither is as close to Capitol Hill as National, where members of Congress also get free parking.

And so, with assistance from West Virginia Sens. Shelley Moore Capito (R) and Joe Manchin III (D), members of the Washington region’s delegation are attempting to quash even the smallest suggestion that any changes be made to the rules that govern air traffic at National. Their missive, sent this week, is straightforward.

Read more: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/dr-gridlock/wp/2018/04/13/regions-congressional-delegation-to-rest-of-congress-leave-national-airport-alone/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.06502b8a70f0