FL: Miami’s Airport Director Says Goodbye

Dec. 1, 2017

At the start of his last week as director of Miami International Airport, one piece of paperwork dominated the desk of Emilio González: an old two-page magazine spread about Angela Gittens, a predecessor forced out of the top MIA job in 2004 after scrapes with politicians and powerful airport vendors.

González dismissed the placement as a coincidence amid the shuffle of papers into boxes and trash bins for his pending departure on Friday after nearly five years overseeing Florida’s busiest airport. But given González’s embrace of his own fights with influential MIA leaseholders, the Gittens piece could be mistaken for a prop.

“I don’t shy away from a good fight,” said González, a former director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services under President George W. Bush who joined the county payroll in 2013 as Mayor Carlos Gimenez’s pick for airport director. “I may have pissed some people off while I was here. But if you don’t piss people off, you’re not doing your job.”

Read more: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/article187357663.html