Union Threatens to Shut Down Israel's International Airport

Nov. 29, 2017

The Israel Airports Authority union announced on Tuesday that it would shut down Ben-Gurion International Airport this coming weekend for the duration of the Jewish Sabbath, from sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday over the prospect that funds from the authority could be transferred to nearby local governments.

The union is protesting a decision by Interior Minister Arye Dery to establish a committee including mayors from municipalities near the airport that is to examine such a prospect. The union declared an official work dispute on the issue two weeks ago. The law provides for a two–week period following such a declaration before labor action can be taken, and that period has now expired. The management of the airports authority has submitted the dispute to the High Court of Justice, but airport employees said they plan to step up their action on the issue before the court considers the case.

Read more: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.825517