OR: Fulton Takes Airport Manager to Task Over Staff Report

May 4, 2017

Port of Astoria Commissioner Stephen Fulton has added Airport Manager Gary Kobes to the list of people he claims have a conflict of interest on the Port’s bond measure for improvements at the Astoria Regional Airport.

The Port is asking Clatsop County voters to finance $1.96 million in bonds over three years to develop the infrastructure for Life Flight Network to build a new hangar in a widely recommended spot at the southeastern edge of the airport’s tarmac. The bond would also extend Flightline Drive to a new southern entrance at Airport Lane, while making 6 to 8 acres of adjacent land shovel-ready for future development.

Read more: http://www.dailyastorian.com/Local_News/20170503/fulton-takes-airport-manager-to-task-over-staff-report