Fort Lauderdale Improperly Collected Millions From Executive Airport, FAA Says

April 19, 2017

The Federal Aviation Administration says Fort Lauderdale illegally used executive airport dollars to support the city’s operating budget and it wants $5 million paid back.

The amount could be reduced if city officials provide justification for the payments that satisfies FAA regulations, federal officials said.

City Manager Lee Feldman, who has hired a consultant to assist with a plan, said he thinks the final result “will be pretty much a wash” and the city might not have to pay any money back.

The federal government turned Fort Lauderale Executive Airport over to the city after World War II, but it maintains oversight “to make sure the revenue generated by the airport is not used inappropriately,” Feldman said.

Because the airport is city-owned, it doesn’t pay property taxes. Instead, the airport pays the city a fee equal to what it would pay in taxes for fire and police services, road and infrastructure maintenance, and transportation and mobility services.

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