New York, New Jersey Airport Workers Settle First Union Contract

Dec. 19, 2016
For New York airport workers, who will receive their first raise towards the state’s $15 minimum wage in January, the contract settlement means they are one of the first groups of workers in the country to win both $15 and a union.

Baggage handlers, cabin cleaners, skycaps, wheelchair attendants and other contracted airport workers in New York and New Jersey settled their first union contract, according to a post on the Service Employees International Union's website.

According to the release, after more than four years of organizing, the tentative agreement provides seniority rules, scheduling protocols, disciplinary procedures and health and safety guidelines under 11 airline subcontractors who have given their employees union recognition. Covering more than half of the subcontracted airport workers at JFK, LGA and EWR airports, the contract sets a new industry standard for both New York and New Jersey workers and provides a framework for unionizing subcontracted airport workers nationwide.

“This is a historic moment for airport workers not only in New York and New Jersey, but for workers around the country,” Hector Figueroa, president of 32BJ SEIU, said in the release. “It has been a long time since such a large group of workers have been able to successfully organize for union membership; this contract shows that despite a changing political landscape and ongoing struggle, workers will always find ways to come together to better their jobs and their lives.”

The new contract is expected to be ratified by airport workers over the next week. For New York airport workers, who will receive their first raise towards the state’s $15 minimum wage in January, the contract settlement means they are one of the first groups of workers in the whole country to win both $15 and a union.

“This contract is just one part of a larger strategy to raise wages and win union representation. Using innovative and creative new approaches to organizing, airport workers have won substantial wage increases in New York and New Jersey and across the country,” Shirley Aldebol, vice president of 32BJ and a lead negotiator for the airport workers’ contract, said in the release.

The SEIU said airport workers have won wage increases in Los Angeles, New York City, Newark, Minneapolis, Boston, Philadelphia, Seattle, Portland and Fort Lauderdale. According to the union, more than 85,000 airport workers nationwide have either received wages increases or other improvements.