2017 Airport Business Top 40 Under 40: Sevda Fevzi

Nov. 3, 2017

Sevda Fevzi
Manager, ASQ Strategic Marketing, Airports Council International - World
AGE: 39

  • Alma Mater: University of East London
  • What is your dream job? To be the leading world expert in airport customer experience
  • Who has impacted your career the most? Anthony Robbins. I was fortunate enough to have attended his leadership and motivational event 18 years ago. That four day experience has impacted my personal and professional development immensely in an unchangeable way. And yes, I did the fire walk on the hot coals! Closely followed by my husband. His ongoing support and encouragement is invaluable.
  • If I could go anywhere, it would be: Yellowknife, Canada, to see the Northern Lights
  • If I could have dinner with anyone living or dead: Richard Branson. Tackling challenges, bankruptcy but still maintaining his intense level of determination to be successful, whilst contributing so much to global environmental and humanitarian issues and implementing powerful change, I gotta meet this person!
  • Favorite airport restaurant/eatery: Gordon Ramsey’s Plane Food at Heathrow T5

While Sevda Fevzi may have fallen into aviation “accidently,” it has proven to be one of the best surprises of her life.

Alttough she graduated college with a degree as a biomedical scientist, about 10 years ago, Fevzi started working for Airport World Magazine and began getting into sponsorship and support for Airports Council-World events. As her time in the industry grew, Fevzi realized how much she enjoyed it.

“Everyone in this industry has such passion that you really don’t get high turnover of people,” she said. “The people you met five years ago or 10 years ago in the industry are still there. It has a close-knit family feel.”

Fevzi has worked in the airport industry for 10 years and currently serves as manager, ASQ Strategic Marketing for Airports Council International- World. In her role, Fevzi manages the brand, content, strategic marketing and business development for the ACI Airport Service Quality program.

Fevzi plays an integral part in making sure the marketing and business development of ASQ is the backbone of new ideas, helping realize the new ways to improve customer satisfaction in the ever changing landscape of the new emerging generation of airports. She helped ASQ membership increase from 190 airports to over 340 airports.

Fevzi frequently presents and delivers workshops at industry conferences such as the annual ACI-NA/AAAE Customer Experience Symposiums, Passenger Terminal Expo, SMART Conference, ACI Airport Economics, and Finance conference and ACI ASQ Forums.

Fevzi publishes regular features interviewing airports on the topic of customer experience. These features are published through the ACI World Reports and shared through the industry. This objective aims to share best practices and lessons learned in customer experience and from specific airports to the global airport industry.

She also manages the publishing of key ASQ research reports such as “ACI Passenger Personas: A new approach to passenger profiling” for improving customer experience and “Does passenger satisfaction increase airport non-aeronautical revenue? A comprehensive assessment research report.” An objective for Fevzi is to provide ongoing support to ACI member airports in why and how airports need to improve customer experience, how to sustain great customer experience, to closely follow trends in how increasing use of technology affects customer experience.

Photos by Ingrid Barrentine & Joe Nicholson, Alaska Airlines