2017 Airport Business Top 40 Under 40: Paul Gerrety, IAP

Nov. 3, 2017

Paul Gerrety, IAP
Manager, Properties and Business Development  Jacksonville Aviation Authority
AGE: 38

  • Alma Mater: Embry Riddle aeronautical University
  • What is your dream job? I’m content
  • Who has impacted your career the most? My mom and dad
  • If I could go anywhere, it would be: The beach every day
  • If I could have dinner with anyone living or dead: My wife
  • Favorite airport restaurant: Whatever has got some local brews on tap

Growing up in Pensacola, Florida, Paul Gerrety had the seeds for aviation interest going overhead all the time — the Blue Angels.

As the squad would do their practice runs throughout his childhood, Gerrety said he would watch them as soared overhead as his interest in aviation continued to grow.

“You walk into an airport, essentially anywhere, any airport that you step into is a portal to pretty much the world,” he said.

Gerrety’s love of aviation led to studying at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University to a position with the Jacksonville Aviation Authority (JAA). He worked his way through the organization from an “ops guy,” to his current role as manager of properties, where he oversees all leasing and property management issues.

Having worked in operations before, Gerrety earned the respect of airline employees of all levels, allowing him to develop innovative solutions as they arise.

Gerrety helped Jacksonville International Airport (JAX) land a new carrier. As a result of the new airline, he then developed an air carrier guide for the facility.

Other accomplishments include Gerrety being JAA’s Point of Contact for the recently negotiated renewal of the Signatory Agreement; restructuring JAA’s lease processing work flows to improve efficiency and reduce errors; successful negotiations with the onsite flight kitchen Gate Gourmet to provide for relocation from a facility scheduled to be demolished into the air cargo facility; allowing services to continue at JAX; completion of a revamped rent roll for JAA facilities; covering over 4.6 million square feet of facilities spread over 4 airports; and development of a cell tower management RFP to identify and retain a third party to manage and develop those assets on JAA property.

Gerrety often speaks with students in a variety of local aviation programs at Jacksonville University, Embry Riddle and high schools about the profession and has supervised several summer interns at JAA. He also volunteers as an academic mentor to local at-risk students through programs at Take Stock in Children and the Malivai Washington Youth Foundation in Jacksonville.

Photos by Ingrid Barrentine & Joe Nicholson, Alaska Airlines