2017 Airport Business Top 40 Under 40: Asitha Jayasinghe

Nov. 3, 2017

Asitha Jayasinghe
Director, Aviation Voice

  • Alma Mater: Asian Aviation Center’s Academy Of Aeronautical Engineering  and Fly Southern (Pvt) Ltd.
  • What is your dream job?: To become the CEO of an international airline or to own one myself.
  • What person has impacted your career the most?: My father.
  • If I could visit any airport in the world, it would be: Singapore’s Changi Airport
  • If I could have dinner with anyone living or dead: My father. 

Asitha Jayasinghe is a young man on the move, described by his contemporaries as one of the best multi-talented individuals they know. He parlayed his childhood enthusiasm for aviation into a degree in aircraft maintenance engineering. During his studies, he became president of Asian Aviation Center Student Guild, where he was able to help many aviation enthusiasts in his country successfully enter into the industry.

Jayasinghe formed the Sri Lanka Paper Wings Association and he created an aviation magazine called Planes, which helps promote aviation in Sri Lanka. Then he became the director of Aviation Voice, an ICAO program- affiliated magazine charged with serving the next generation of aviation professionals. And if that weren’t enough, he’s currently a cadet pilot at Fly Southern Aviation.

Aviation is one of the most interesting and lively industry because it’s satisfying and enjoying, said Jayasinghe. “Everything I do in aviation makes me really happy,” he said. “Sometimes I work late night trying to help the next generation of aviation professionals, which I really enjoy.”

Jayasinghe’s current challenge is finding suitable opportunities in his country. “But I think it's also a lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges. Because I believe in myself, I face all my challenges in a positive way and overcome them with success,” he stated.

Aviation has been a part of Jayasinghe’s life since childhood. “I had no aviation background in my family, but from a young age, I remember the only thing I wanted to become was a pilot,” he said. “So I did my own research about aviation and kept up my knowledge because in aviation the technology improves daily. When I was studying aircraft engineering, my friends called me Aviation God. Aviation is my life my passion.”

Jayasinghe’s best career advice is mind is everything -- what you think you become. “Follow your passion and dreams never let your dreams run out of track because of other reasons in life,” he said. “Stay focused and do what you do best.”

Photos by Ingrid Barrentine & Joe Nicholson, Alaska Airlines