Leading Today’s Airports to Tomorrow’s Success

Nov. 10, 2016

Wow. Late at night flying home from Montreal where we had a booth at the ACI-NA Worldwide Show. What an inspiring show and exciting things are happening!

For Airport Business, we kept hearing the same thing over and over — how they are noticing the changes in the last six months, and leaders and suppliers are talking about the magazine and our incredible digital products.

If you're one of the people following us closely, let me repeat something I shared when I was given the opportunity to lead our Aviation Group — Leaders Lead.

“It is the responsibility of Airport Business to create the market. Our team strongly believes if we do the right things and push our segment to grow with education, technology and synergy to work together, good things will happen for the magazine. The time has come for all of this.

Starting with our booth, we embrace technology and how it can improve the passage experience, share information and make it eye catching by having a 7-foot digital display showcasing the technology and our products at the ACI show.

The Airport Business team had countless strategic meetings with vendors, attendees, association leaders and of course the future leaders of our industry — announced in this issue with our Top 40 under 40 selections.

This year’s selections were done lead by a selection committee from Airport Consultants Council (ACC) along with our editors. We expanded the depth of our nominations process to help us even further screen the candidates. We are all proud to share the amazing results and the candidates it created.

We are committed to editorial that will drive us forward with technology, security and services in a collaborative manner to help airports deliver the best and safest passenger experience possible. This will allow us relaxed travelers to shop, eat and relax because we are have the information we need how when and where we need it.

Time for me to sign off as we get ready to land. Now if I can find where my connecting gate is, if my flight is on time and know I have extra time. I think I will grab a bite to eat and do some shopping! Hope there is some digital signage guide me and let me me know where I can spend my money!

About the Author

Brett Ryden | Aviation Group Publisher

Photos by Ingrid Barrentine & Joe Nicholson, Alaska Airlines