UT: Provo Airport Needs Another Terminal to Expand, and It Needs It Sooner than Later, Officials Say

Jan. 29, 2019

Provo • The Provo Airport needs to expand in order to make the leap to the next level — starting with a new terminal and now is a critical time to do the project, says Issac Paxman, Provo deputy mayor.

Provo City recently received an $8 million federal grant to be put toward construction of new tarmac, but according to Paxman, a second terminal needs to be built first to utilize the funds. Money for the new terminal construction, estimated at $14.5 million, needs to be secured within a couple years to avoid forfeiting the federal funds.

Read more: https://www.sltrib.com/news/politics/2019/01/28/provo-airport-needs