Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for White Cloud’s New Airport Terminal
On May 7 at 1:00 p.m. the City of White Cloud will host a ribbon cutting ceremony for their new General Aviation Terminal. This event will mark the conclusion of a successful project and partnership between the City of White Cloud, Michigan Department of Transportation’s (MDOT) Office of Aeronautics, Mead & Hunt Engineering and Johnson Diversified Construction Company. The modern design and specifications for the terminal were presented by Tim Spitzley, architect and Jared Kowalewsky, engineer for Mead & Hunt Engineering. Johnson Diversified Construction was contracted for the build out and construction was completed by prime Contractor Neil Johnson and his crew.
The planning and funding for the new Airport Terminal was managed by Mayor Don Barnhard, former city business manager Bob Sullivan, current city manager Lora Kalkofen, and Brett Whitmore and Betsy Steudle from the MDOT Office of Aeronautics. Ninety percent of the capital improvement funds for the airport development project, including the new terminal building, a new security fence and self-service fuel system, were provided by the Federal Aviation Administration Modernization Reform Act of 2102. These funds are generated from aviation fuel taxes collected by the federal government. State and local governments have to contribute the remaining 10 percent. The Downtown Development Authority of White Cloud provided $30,000 for the required 5 percent match. The airport development projects were approved by City Council members.
Being a public works project, city manager Lora Kalkofen placed samples of paint and trim in the City Hall Conference Room and using a true democratic process, solicited ideas, opinions and comments from staff, council, commissioners, and citizens alike. The final architectural details including the soft blues and grays for the interior paint and trim were excellent choices. The “eye rest” colors and the terminal’s open view of the runway and field has been well received by customers, local residents and especially pilots.
Manager Kalkofen is expecting around 150 guests for the ribbon cutting ceremony including pilots, city staff and council members, key note speakers, dignitaries, and current and former customers and pilots. Airport Manager Jake Ashker will be the master of ceremony for the ribbon cutting and planned activities including the welcome by Mayor Don Bernhard and recognition of notable guests and keynote speakers. Manager Ashker will recognize past and present airport managers, customers and pilots. Manager Kalkofen will give a brief overview of the airport development project and future plans. The ribbon cutting will be followed by refreshments and visiting opportunities with Lt. Colonel (Retired) Clare McCombs; Mrs. Joan McCombs, a former flight instructor and Power Puff Derby racer; Senator Goeff Hansen; Representative Jon Bumstead; representative from School of Missionary Aviation Technology and other local aviators.