Huntsville Airport Improvements Increase Jet Travel Availability
Aug. 05--HUNTSVILLE -- Huntsville residents who might have their minds set on a trip to Cancun, Mexico, or folks who need to get out of town quickly for business and do not want to deal with the hassles of major airports have another option.
The Bruce Brothers Regional Airport is ready for the jet age and everything that comes with it.
"We've recently completed upgrades to our runway allowing for larger and heavier aircraft and jets," said Wade Gillespie, manager of Huntsville Aviation. "In addition to improvements in our instrumentation system, we've had as many as 12 jet aircraft use this facility in one day and we're expecting close to 300 jet flights in the coming year. Not to mention our fly ins for September's Fair on the Square."
The importance of jet travel can't be underestimated. Things like non-stop flights, greater access to convenient airports and scheduling flights to a more Huntsville-type timetable.
"I've noticed in my experience that the (Bruce Brothers) airport is one of the most important economic development assets there is," said Ben Bius, president of B&B Properties and Cessna jet pilot captain. "A lot of people that I do business with will come into this airport and this is the first impression they have of this community. The strategic location of the airport just off the interstate and the improvements for jet aircraft have made a tremendous impact in Huntsville's image across the state and the nation."
Jet access in Huntsville came into play when Bius was working on a lease with Hobby Lobby to redevelop the old Walmart building on Highway 30. The deal got down to the 11th hour and plans were about to fall through.
With jobs and the future of many citizens at stake Bius made a call to lawyers of Hobby Lobby.
"I asked them where are we on this deal. I'm going to be in your offices and they asked how are you going to do that. I told them I'm going to the airport and take a jet flight. I said I would be there by 11 a.m. and I'm not leaving until we get this deal done," he said.
Bius understands that if he had not been there in person everything may have "gone by the wayside."
"The ability to have jet power and getting in front of the right person is effective," Bius said. "The Internet and the telephone is not as effective when it comes to building relationships with people because it's all about building relationships."
That crucial meeting helped to solidified the value of jet travel to and from Huntsville.
Soon, this make-it-happen tool will be available for "dry lease."
Up to nine passengers and two pilots can cruise at speeds of over 431 statute mph at an altitude above the weather at over 41,000 feet.
From Huntsville, virtually all of Texas and the southern states all the way to the east coast of Georgia can be yours with this efficient mode of travel.
With flexible destinations, and the ability to skip airport terminals by driving directly to your plane, special bonding along with the intimacy of Huntsville is poised to hit the national stage.
For more information about jet travel at the airport, contact Bius at P.O. Box 6153 Huntsville, TX, 77342-6153 or call (936) 291-7552.
Copyright 2014 - The Huntsville Item, Texas