Orangeburg County Moving Forward With Airplane Tax Cut
July 23--General aviation aircraft housed in Orangeburg County are currently assessed at a rate of 10.5 percent of value, but that could soon change.
Monday night, Orangeburg County Council unanimously approved second reading of an ordinance reducing the assessment ratio to 4 percent. A third reading is needed.
County Administrator Harold Young said reducing the rate "sends the right message."
Young explained, "There are 34 counties throughout the state who have changed their assessment rates to 4 percent ... and we need to follow suit."
Also during the meeting, council approved an ordinance authorizing a lease agreement with the North Family Community School. The ordinance spells out an agreement between the school and county, which will allow the school to apply for additional grants.
Council will hold a public hearing and have two additional readings of the ordinance before final approval.
In an unrelated item, council received a report from the county's tax and tourism committee. The committee recommended some items receive consideration for tourism-related funding, but others did not have support from the committee.
Council unanimously agreed that the tax and tourism committee should explain, in writing, why it is recommending against funding projects in the future.
Council approved funding the following items: town of Eutawville, $10,000; Holly Hill Christmas Festival, $3,500; and the Orangeburg County Chamber of Commerce, $11,960.
The total amount approved is $25,460.
There is a remaining balance of $121,007 in unobligated funds.
In other matters:
--Council unanimously approved a bid from Black Rock Business Solutions of Columbia to issue the county's nearly 66,000 reassessment notices.
--Council recognized the following Orangeburg County employees for being "Character of the Month" honorees: Cynthia Goldenburg, Will Jeffcoat, Ghislaine Backmon, Terry Myers and Randy Henninger.
--Council appointed Ronald Palmer to serve on the Regional Medical Center Board of Directors, from district one.
--Council met in executive session to receive an economic development update and discuss a contractual matter concerning an industrial park.
Contact the writer: [email protected] or 803-533-5545. Follow on Twitter: @MRBrownTandD.
Copyright 2014 - The Times and Democrat, Orangeburg, S.C.