Chattanooga Airport To Review Delta Ontime Landing Data
April 22--Delta Air Lines has agreed to share data on its performance levels at Chattanooga Metropolitan Airport after Chattanooga fliers complained about cancelled and delayed flights in February, airport president and CEO Terry Hart said Monday.
The data will shed light on the reliability and dependability of Delta connections, and should show how Delta service in Chattanooga compares to other mid-sized airports in the region, Hart said.
Delta is Chattanooga's biggest air carrier with nine daily flights to Atlanta and two daily flights to Detroit.
Hart asked for the data after complaints from people like Carlene Vital, who attended Monday's Chattanooga Airport Authority board meeting as a member of Chattanoogans for Reliable Service to reiterate the problems with Delta's service.
"People are choosing to fly from Atlanta, Nashville or Knoxville because they don't have confidence in a reliable flight here in Chattanooga, especially with Delta," she said.
About a half-dozen people also showed up at Monday's board meeting to support Chattanoogans for Reliable Service.
Hart said he plans to talk with Delta officials after he reviews the data, and promised to work with the airline to improve service.
"I'm not going to go talk to the executive vice president, I'm going to go talk to the people who run the day-to-day operations and ask if there are things we can do as an airport to help them," he said. "I can't fix Delta's problems. But I can certainly relay information and offer suggestions."
Contact staff writer Shelly Bradbury at 423-757-6525 or [email protected].
Copyright 2014 - Chattanooga Times Free Press, Tenn.