April 18--PITTSTON TWP. -- Barry Centini sees a story behind just about everything in Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport's Joseph M. McDade Terminal -- even objects as simple as stone in the conference room walls that he picked out in Punxsutawney.
Members of the Bi-County Airport Board deemed the construction of the $41.5 million terminal as Centini's top achievement when the 25-year airport director announced on Thursday he will retire in January.
The new, modern terminal opened in 2006 to replace the old terminal which dates back to 1959. Including the parking garage, roadway network and ramps, Centini said the entire project exceeded $80 million.
"It's had a huge impact Northeastern Pennsylvania," said Jim Wansacz, chairman of the airport board. "It's one of the first things people from outside the area see. It provides a great first impression for people who haven't been to the area in a while or businesses that visit."
Aside from the terminal, Centini has been part of decades of sweeping change during his 43 years at the airport -- like increased screening of people and bags after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
"We grew up here with all of the security mandates," Centini said. "When I first started working here, you could pretty much walk out onto the ramp with a cigarette and wave to the people on the airplane. Those days are long, long, long gone."
In many ways, Centini's office is like a museum of Northeastern Pennsylvania aviation. The airport director has collected old air show signs, figurines of airplanes from airlines that have come and gone, and proclamations of his four appointments by governors Tom Ridge and Ed Rendell to the state's Aviation Advisory Committee.
The dilapidated old terminal is still visible from the conference room in Centini's office, although that building is one artifact he does not want to keep around.
Beginning demolition of the structure and construction on extending the airport's taxiway to improve air traffic flow are among Centini's goals between now and January. The airport board also approved a $357,629 contract on Thursday with Jessup-based Fabcor to expand the Pittston Township travel hub's fuel farm capacity to have three days of fuel on hand.
Airport officials have also been trying to form a regional transportation authority, bring air shows back to Wilkes-Barre/Scranton and expand parking options, keeping Centini's plate full for the next eight months.
The region's natural gas boom has helped keep Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport busy while other similar-sized airports across the country have struggled. With signs the airport's traffic could be picking up more, Centini is happy with where he is leaving the operation.
"We're ready for anything," Centini said. "We're ready for expansion. We're ready for growth."
Centini's salary is about $115,500. The airport board agreed to conduct a national search for his successor.
[email protected], @kwindTT
Copyright 2014 - The Citizens' Voice, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.