The Aurora State Airport (KUAO) which is 22 miles south of Portland International (KPDX) in Oregon is finally getting an Air Traffic Control Tower! Aurora is a busy GA Airport with approximately 90,000 operations a year, four instrument approaches, 350 based Aircraft, and three FBOs. Aurora Aviation is a Cessna Flight Training and Aircraft Service Center that has been here since 1968 and provided Commercial Air-Charter Service since 1980, specializing in Jet Charter since 2003 we currently offer an Embraer Phenom 300 to anywhere in the USA and Canada.
This tower has been on and off the Airport master plan since 1978. With our very mixed traffic of corporate jets, air-ambulance, recreation flyers, as well as fixed wing and helicopter training operations, combined with a no radar service below 2500 ft AGL; it is considered critical to safety.
The owner of the Airport; the Oregon Department of Aviation has arranged funding for the Tower with State lottery dollars, State Aviation and FAA funds. There is a “ground breaking” ceremony scheduled at the airport at 10 am on April 23.
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