Feb. 19--Both runways at Mitchell International Airport were closed simultaneously for about 40 minutes Wednesday afternoon after a small plane had landing issues on one while repair work was being done on the other, an airport spokesman said.
The north-south runway was closed from about 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. after a lift of about 1 inch was discovered on a small section of concrete on the edge of the runway during a routine inspection, airport spokesman Ryan McAdams said Wednesday night.
Shortly before 4:30 p.m., while repairs were being made to the section, landing gear issues were reported on a small private jet as it taxied on the east-west runway, McAdams said.
The pilot stopped the plane, forcing officials to shut down the runway for about an hour, he said.
Several incoming flights were diverted to other airports, and several departing flights were delayed during the closures, McAdams said.
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