Krister Genmark

Krister Genmark Vice President Sales Worldwide Web Manuals 61e1bb70ea46a

Krister Genmark is the vice president of sales worldwide at Web Manuals, the world leading, innovative Swedish software company that specializes in aviation document digitization solutions. Krister joined Web Manuals in 2016 as the regional manager for the Americas, based out of San Diego, California. Genmark has been responsible for setting up Web Manuals’ North American operation and is instrumental in the increased growth in the region.

Prior to joining Web Manuals, Krister successfully developed and managed training, safety and quality systems for different companies in the aviation sector, including Nordic Aero and Aviator.

Krister’s love for aviation was ignited at an early age. He grew up just north of Uppsala, Sweden, and lived just a few miles from an Air Force base and later down the road, in Sigtuna, close to the International Airport in Stockholm, his life has always been accompanied by the sounds of airplanes.

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