Enterprise Holdings Announces New "Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise" (ACDBE) Certification Assistance Program
ST. LOUIS, March 11, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Enterprise Holdings – which owns the Alamo Rent A Car, Enterprise Rent-A-Car and National Car Rental brands – is looking for businesses to add to its current roster of "Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise" (ACDBE) suppliers in the U.S.
As the largest car rental company in the world, Enterprise Holdings operates its portfolio of car rental brands through regional subsidiaries, which, in turn, do business at local airports. Many U.S. airport authorities – as well as the Department of Transportation/Federal Aviation Administration (DOT/FAA) – require significant goods and services to be purchased from ACDBE-certified suppliers.
Each U.S. airport is required to demonstrate its efforts toward meeting the federal government's ACDBE goals, and all concessionaires – including Enterprise Holdings' regional subsidiaries – likewise are required to report their efforts to each airport.
As a result, Enterprise Holdings and its regional subsidiaries continue to work to identify and better utilize ACDBE-certified suppliers. "We have developed a new program to help current women- and minority-owned suppliers become ACDBE certified," explained Sean Fitzgerald, Vice President of Airport Properties & Relations. "And we are encouraging them to become certified not only because it will further strengthen their relationship with our Alamo, Enterprise and National operations, but it also may provide additional opportunities for them to do business with other airport concessionaires."
Enterprise's new ACDBE Certification Assistance Program offers existing M/W/DBE suppliers a third-party consultant to assist with the process in their home state and in other states. The program is available to more than 3,000 suppliers who currently conduct business with Enterprise Holdings' regional subsidiaries throughout the United States. Existing suppliers interested in Enterprise Holdings' new ACDBE Certification Assistance Program will soon be receiving a letter outlining how they can best take advantage of this opportunity.
This program complements Enterprise Holdings' Supplier Diversity Program, an ongoing initiative designed to help increase the number of Minority, Women and/or Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (M/W/DBE) and/or other socially or economically disadvantaged suppliers that work to provide goods and services for the company.
In fact, as part of Enterprise Holdings' strategy for long-term growth, the company honors the principles of founder Jack Taylor through its annual Founding Values Award. The Award focuses on six points – including Diversity and Inclusion – that make up what is known as the Cultural Compass, a planning and goal-setting tool that helps its management team fully incorporate best practices into day-to-day operations.
For more information about Enterprise Holdings' Supplier Diversity Program, please visit: www.enterpriseholdings.com/sustainability/supplier-diversity.
About Enterprise Holdings
Enterprise Holdings and its affiliate Enterprise Fleet Management together offer a total transportation solution. Combined, these businesses – which include extensive car rental and car-sharing services, commercial truck rental, corporate fleet management and retail car sales – accounted for $16.4 billion in revenue, employed 78,000 and operated 1.4 million vehicles throughout the world in fiscal year 2013. Enterprise Holdings, through its regional subsidiaries, operates the largest fleet of vehicles in the world through a global network of neighborhood and airport locations under the Enterprise Rent-A-Car, National Car Rental and Alamo Rent A Car brands. Enterprise Fleet Management provides full-service fleet management to companies and organizations with medium-sized fleets. Other transportation services marketed under the Enterprise brand name include Enterprise CarShare, Enterprise Rideshare, Enterprise Car Sales and Enterprise Commercial Trucks. Operating through its regional subsidiaries, Enterprise Holdings is the largest car rental company in the world as measured by revenue, fleet and employees.