MONTERREY, Mexico, March 07, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mexican airport operator Grupo Aeroportuario del Centro Norte, S.A.B. de C.V., known as OMA, reports that terminal passenger traffic at its 13 airports increased 7 percent in February 2017, as compared to February 2016. Domestic traffic increased 7.9 percent, and international traffic rose 2.4 percent.
It should be noted that 2016 was a leap year. Compared to the first 28 days of February 2016, the increase in total traffic was 11.2 percent.
Of total February traffic, 98.4 percent was commercial aviation and 1.6 percent was general aviation.
Domestic traffic increased in 10 airports in February. The most noteworthy increases were Monterrey (+9.2 percent; +46,664 passengers), Culiacán (+11.6 percent; +13,661), and Chihuahua (+12.6 percent; +10,118). Monterrey traffic increased principally because of higher traffic volumes on the Guadalajara and Mexico City routes. Culiacán traffic increased because of higher volumes on its Mexico City, Mexicali, Guadalajara, and Tijuana routes. Chihuahua increased traffic principally on its Mexico City route.
International traffic increased in nine airports in February. The largest increases were in Mazatlán (+7.4 percent; +2,774 passengers) principally as a result of growth in Winnipeg and Calgary traffic; San Luis Potosí (+17.7 percent; +1,493) as a result of an increase in Houston traffic; Culiacán (+124.4 percent; +1,204) as a result of growth in Phoenix traffic; and Monterrey (+1.3 percent, +1,071) as a result of increased traffic on the Denver, Detroit, and Chicago routes.
The number of flight operations (takeoffs and landings) in February decreased 10.6 percent. The number of domestic operations decreased 10.7 percent, and international operations decreased 9.6 percent.
OMA’s complete traffic report is available at