United Airlines will Launch ‘Agent on Demand’ Virtual Contactless Service

Dec. 9, 2020

By the end of the year, United Airlines passengers will be able to talk to an agent on any mobile device to get information via phone call, text or video chat.

Agent on Demand is already available at Chicago’s O’Hare and Houston’s George Bush International Airports.

“We know how important it is for our customers to have more options for a contactless travel experience and this tool makes it easy to quickly receive personalized support directly from a live agent at the airport while maintaining social distancing,” said Linda Jojo, United’s Executive Vice President for Technology and Chief Digital Officer.

“Agent on Demand allows customers to bypass waiting in line at the gate and seamlessly connect with customer service agents from their mobile device, ensuring they continue to receive the highest levels of service while also prioritizing their health and safety.”

United said in a news release that to use Agent on Demand, customers can scan a QR code that will be displayed throughout United’s hub airports or access it through self-service kiosks at O’Hare and Denver International Airports.

“From there, customers will be connected to an agent by phone, chat or video, based on their preference.

Customers can ask any question they would typically direct to a gate agent, including questions on seat assignments, upgrades, standby list, flight status, rebooking and more. Agent on Demand provides an extra level of convenience to customers, who can now easily connect with an agent while anywhere in the airport instead of waiting in a line at the gate.

Additionally, translation functionality is integrated in the chat function allowing customers to communicate with agents in more than 100 languages. Customers can type in their preferred language and the messages will be automatically transcribed in English for the agents and in the selected language for the customer,” United said.

United said a variety of agents will respond to Agent on Demand inquiries while gate agents will continue to serve customers and perform pre-departure tasks.


United Airlines will return service to JFK Airport next year with nonstop flights to West Coast.


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