Rival Airlines Emirates, Etihad Step Closer With Security Pact

Jan. 9, 2018
The MOU involves Emirates unit Emirates Group Security and Etihad parent Etihad Aviation Group working “together on operational areas both within and outside the UAE,” according to an Emirates statement.

DUBAI (Reuters) - Emirates [EMIRA.UL] and Etihad Airways signed a security pact on Monday to share information and intelligence, the first agreement between the two rival airlines based in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Emirates and Etihad, backed by their state owners, have competed almost head-to-head developing global networks from their respective hubs in Dubai and Abu Dhabi that are just 128 kilometers apart.

Emirates is owned by the government of Dubai, and Etihad is owned by the government of Abu Dhabi.

Read more: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-emirates-etihad-airlines/rival-airlines-emirates-etihad-step-closer-with-security-pact-idUSKBN1EX0HO