OR: Family Suing Alaska Airlines, Contractor for Woman's Fall Down Airport Escalator

Dec. 29, 2017

A Washington state family is suing Alaska Airlines and a contractor for allegedly neglecting to properly care for a disabled 75-year-old grandmother who suffered a fall down a Portland International Airport escalator in June and later died.

After her flight from Hawaii landed in Portland in June 2017, contractors at the airport assisted Bernice Kekona into a seat-belted wheelchair, both the lawsuit and the airline said.

The employees from Huntleigh, USA were supposed to transport the 75-year-old grandmother to her next gate, according to the family, but she was somehow left alone.

Read more: http://abcnews.go.com/US/family-suing-alaska-airlines-contractor-womans-fall-airport/story?id=52032718