Transport Canada to Amend Prohibited Items List for Air Passengers

Nov. 7, 2017
Effective November 27, 2017, Transport Canada will prohibit certain powders and granular material with a volume of 350 ml or more at all screening checkpoints in Canada.

OTTAWANov. 6, 2017 /CNW/ - From visiting friends and family, to getting goods to market, Canadians, tourists and businesses rely on Canada's safe and secure aviation system. Adjustments to screening procedures are necessary from time to time to reflect changes in the security environment and to harmonize with international standards and partner countries. Transport Canada is amending its Prohibited Items List for passengers on all domestic and international flights.

Effective November 27, 2017, Transport Canada will prohibit certain powders and granular material with a volume of 350 ml (the size of a soda can) or more at all screening checkpoints in Canada. Prohibited material includes items such as bath salts, sea salt, baby powder, foot powder, cooking powder and sand. Items such as baby formula, protein powder, tea and coffee will still be permitted in any quantity.

Consistent with international practice, Transport Canada will also amend the list so that very small knife blades (6 cm or less—about the size of a large paper clip) will not be prohibited on domestic or international flights. To respect our security screening agreement with the United States, knife blades of any length will remain prohibited on flights to the United States through preclearance facilities. Razor blades and box cutters of any size will remain prohibited at all screening checkpoints.


"The safety and security of Canadians, the travelling public, and the transportation system are Transport Canada's top priorities. These changes to screening procedures will bring Canada in line with international standards and our partner countries, while continuing to keep passengers safe. The Government of Canada remains vigilant in continuously assessing security risks."

The Honourable Marc Garneau
Minister of Transport