Zimbabwe Airways Nearing Takeoff

Oct. 30, 2017
Zimbabwe Airways, a new company, seemingly established to avoid massive debts of bankrupt Air Zimbabwe and which is strongly linked to the Mugabe family, is set to be launched in the next couple of weeks.

Zimbabwe Airways, a new company, seemingly established to avoid massive debts of bankrupt Air Zimbabwe and which is strongly linked to the Mugabe family, is set to be launched in the next couple of weeks. The new company is trying to hire pilots for routes.

Many expect Air Zimbabwe, which flies daily into Johannesburg and which has been in operation for more than 70 years, to soon cease to exist or its diminishing assets may be absorbed by the new company. The transport ministry has not made any of this information available. Air Zimbabwe cannot fly to London for safety reasons and was grounded at Gatwick Airport in 2012 for two weeks by a US supplier of spare parts. As the US debt was finally paid, Air Zimbabwe decided not to continue flying to London.

Read more: https://www.africanindy.com/news/zim-airways-ready-for-takeoff-11761834