It’s About Time!

Feb. 5, 2020

At least I think it’s about time.

Recently there has been news about a family being ushered off of an airliner because they had bad body odor. Who can blame the airline? I can’t.

After all, it was other passengers who complained about the odor. What should the airline have done? Let them stay on the flight and irritate other pax?

I don’t think so.

Then there is the fuss about service animals on board flights. The whole thing started with seeing-eye dogs, and it is said that at least one airline provided free seats for service animals.

True service animals are admired and welcome. Then pax started showing up with “service animals” that weren’t always service animals at all. There were news stories about pigs, a parrot, a goat, and even a pony. Their owners said they are “emotional-support” service animals

Obviously, a few passengers demand and insist on customer service far beyond a reasonable level. The other customers—normally polite and civilized—are being punished for the actions of a few.

Everyone admires and appreciates seeing-eye dogs, and airports go along with that willingly. But why in the world should airlines and airports put up with birds that screech, pigs that poop, and even ponies or goats (I must admit—I’m not absolutely certain about that goat!)?

I have ridden airlines over all our 50 states and a few foreign countries. I never had a bit of problem with a true service animals. Had some trouble with a few drunk pax, a few snoring pax, and mothers who either couldn’t or wouldn’t tell their kid(s) to be quiet. But usually other pax were civilized and we just ignored the trouble makers.

Airlines operate under a myriad of rules for the safety and comfort of their pax. Pax should also follow rules.

As for me and my house, we say more power to the airlines. We’re on their side.

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