Russia Plans to Tilt Economy More Towards the Military

July 5, 2022

Moscow — The lower house of parliament in Moscow approved in its first reading on Tuesday a proposal for a package of amendments to adapt the Russian economy more closely to the needs of the military submitted by the government.

Among other things, it provides that individual industries can be obliged to supply the armed forces. In addition, workers there could be forced to work nights, weekends and public holidays, as well as to forego holidays.

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yury Borisov said the plan was necessary because of the increased pressure on Russia from sanctions and Western arms deliveries to Ukraine, among other factors.

In order to come into force, the amendments to the law still have to be passed in second and third readings, approved by the upper house of parliament, and finally signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Meanwhile, the head of Russia's space agency Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, called for the nationalization of companies that manufacture microelectronics for satellites.

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