March 01--MANCHESTER -- For the third time in 15 years, the Defense Department is analyzing whether private industry can distribute $1 billion a year worth of fuel more cheaply than the Navy's Manchester depot.
Studies in 1998-99 and 2005-06 found a private operator couldn't be more efficient even if occupying the facility. The current scenario assumes the depot, officially Fleet Logistics Center Puget Sound Fuel Department, would close and the private provider would be on its own.
The Defense Logistics Center, which is conducting the business case analysis, responded to questions from U.S. Rep. Derek Kilmer, D-Gig Harbor, that it is "confident the requisite capabilities exist in the commercial energy sector."
"We believe industry is capable of meeting our Navy Region NW requirements, including NAS Whidbey Island and Naval Base Kitsap, at lower cost," it wrote in a Feb. 6 fact sheet. It states that Manchester primarily is a storage site for jet fuel. The military is switching from military-only jet fuel to commercial jet fuel, giving it more flexibility in how and where it procures, stores and delivers the product.
"Not only is commercial fuel less expensive per barrel, but using a commercial product that is readily available, stored and refined in great quantity worldwide could obviate the need for fixed-base infrastructure needed to store fuel used exclusively by the military," wrote Vice Adm. Mark Harnitchek, DLA director. He also said it could be staged closer to where it's needed.
Shipping fuel directly from refiner to customer instead of through an intermediary would cut costs, added DLA spokeswoman Mimi Schirmacher.
"Eliminating double handling of any logistics supply chain is always less costly," she said. "For example, if war reserve fuel currently stored at Manchester is required in Alaska -- and the requirement is now for commercial jet fuel -- it makes sense to investigate a distribution scheme that connects the refiner directly to the customer -- in this case the USAF."
Kilmer, reached Friday in D.C., questioned how the DLA could know that before the analysis is concluded, and worried that the agency "is driving the facts to reach that conclusion."
"If the Defense Logistics Agency study shows industry can facilitate the full requirement, on budget, then that's fine, but the question is, 'Can they do that?'" he said. "Previous studies have demonstrated that they can't. The Defense Logistics Agency believes the commercial sector can facilitate the requirements before the study is complete. What do the facts support?"
Capt. Bill Power, commanding officer of Fleet Logistics Center Puget Sound in Bremerton, which oversees the depot, doesn't take the studies personally. He's all for efficiency and saving money, but believes Manchester, the largest DOD fuel terminal in the continental United States, offers the best deal.
"I think we give the best bang for the buck out here, I really do," he said.
One reason is location.
"You need a terminal on the water," he said. "If you don't have one, good luck building one."
Another is Manchester's five barges. Each carries 14,000 barrels (42 gallons per barrel) of fuel, which can be loaded in 2 1/2 hours from the depot's 990-foot pier. One or two a week are tugged to Naval Air Station Whidbey Island or Naval Station Everett. That costs $258,000 per year, compared with $1.9 million for commercial barging, according to depot officials.
"It's our bread and butter," said Glenn Schmitt, depot deputy director.
Pipelines would be less expensive, but there are few in the Northwest. Olympic Pipeline runs from Anacortes to Salem, supplying airports along the way, but has no connection to defense facilities. Tanker ships deliver fuel to Manchester. Barges and trucks distribute it.
"Presence on the water is critical to fueling this region," Power said. "Some people don't get that."
"It's the most efficient way to move large quantities in this region," added Lt. Cmdr. JP Harper, depot director.
Manchester also supplies frigates and destroyers from Naval Station Everett. Aircraft carriers at Bremerton and Everett and submarines at Bremerton and Bangor, though nuclear powered, still need diesel.
Copyright 2014 - Kitsap Sun, Bremerton, Wash.