Washington, D.C.—The Regional Airline Association (RAA) elected Cape Air President Linda Markham as the association’s new Chair for the remaining 2014-2015 term, replacing retiring ExpressJet President Brad Holt. Markham becomes the first woman chair of the nearly 40-year-old RAA, elected last week in Washington, D.C., during RAA’s Fall Board meeting. Piedmont Airlines President Steve Farrow will take over Markham’s previous Board position as Treasurer.
"FAA Re-authorization, NextGen, a Congressional leadership change, as well as the industry's biggest priority--pilot supply--will certainly top the RAA agenda in the coming year," said Markham. "I am honored by the Board's vote of confidence and look forward to working with the RAA staff and membership on finding workable solutions to our current list of challenges," she added.
RAA President Roger Cohen said, “All of us share in the excitement of Linda’s election as our first female chair, and it once again demonstrates the pioneering leadership of RAA and the regional airlines.” Cohen underlined, “Linda, all of our CEOs, and airline committee members have critically important ‘day jobs’ managing our member airlines, and we deeply appreciate their personal commitment and energy towards a strong, unified RAA.”
The two-day meeting was also attended by the association’s Public Relations Committee and the Associate Members Council providing an opportunity to network and plan as RAA launches its next phase of its pilot supply coalition efforts with Take Flight Tomorrow and prepares to celebrate its 40th anniversary during the RAA Annual Convention in Cleveland, May 11-14, 2015. The nearly 50 attendees gathered jointly with RAA’s Board for panel discussions on FAA Reauthorization and Political Outlook for 2015, Air Service and Pilot Supply Issues and an “Ask the Press” roundtable with aviation media.
During an industry reception, RAA President Roger Cohen thanked departing RAA Senior Vice President-Operations & Safety Scott Foose for his 14 years of dedicated service to RAA. Foose will join industry consulting firm Beacon Management on December 1, 2014.
About RAA
With safety as its highest priority, RAA represents North American regional airlines, and the manufacturers of products and services supporting the regional airline industry before Congress, DOT, FAA and other federal agencies. With more than 12,000 regional airline flights every day, regional airlines operate 50 percent of the nation's commercial schedule.