Forty-one Percent Of Fliers Think It's Rude To Recline

Sept. 8, 2014

The past couple of weeks have seen a spate of confrontations among air travelers over reclining seats. This shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise, as flying has become a somewhat stressful undertaking. A cramped, pressurized room full of cranky people is a recipe for quibbling over anything.

The social contract involved in flying is nebulous, and one potential source of the strife in the skies could be that people vastly disagree about what’s considered rude.

To find out what people actually consider rude, we ran aSurveyMonkey Audience poll Aug. 29 and 30, and asked air passengers what’s cool and what isn’t. We had 1,040 respondents, 874 of whom had flown.

More details here.